Hectic life.. but with something interesting..
8:38 PM Edit This 0 Comments »Date: 21 January 2009
Time: 2039
Venue: Home,Kampar
Well.. well... I'm still very very busy over my exams and assignments and lab report.
Still progressing very slow over my clinical biochemistry.. so.. DEAD!!
Anyways, I am quite outdated over alot of things.. friend's news, movies, updates on other things such as fashions and etc.. So sick and no life for now..
Anyways, at least I get a good laugh at certain things in Kampar.. take a look..
Tiny little toys sticking together... At the back of a pajero..
Look at that cow.. trying to look for a parking in between those cars.LOL!
Hectic life.. but with something interesting.. ..signout.
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